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This 81 Yr Old Grandpa Stuns Entire Shop When He Picks Up Guitar

Mr. Bob Wood, Ladies And Gentlemen

Okay, so it’s pretty difficult to watch this video and not be wildly impressed by how fantastic this man is on guitar. At 81 years old, Mr. Bob Wood of Tennessee is one of our new favorite guitarists after he walked into his local music shop, British Audio Services and proceeded to play a fun rendition of‘Besame Mucho’ on one of the store’s Gibson Epiphone guitars; there’s no doubt that he stunned the entire shop staff with his impromptu jam session!Lucky for us, the guys at BAS managed to capture this incredibly special moment on camera, and even luckier still:

Thanks to his daughters, it was found out not long after that Bob isn’t just an amateur musician, but a local celebrity whose immense talent allowed him to enjoy a successful career in music.

Guys, this is one you definitely don’t want to miss – it’s not everyday a legend hangs out in the local guitar shop, showing you how it’s really done!

Nos cours sur ce sujet
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